1st Edition

Talkabout Sex and Relationships 1

A Programme to Develop Intimate Relationship Skills

Imprint: Speechmark
Series: Talkabout
Paperback: 9781911186205
eBook: 9781315173665
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Talkabout Sex & Relationships 1 is a comprehensive toolkit for all therapists, educators and support staff who deliver relationship education to people with special needs. It is intended primarily to support groupwork but activities can be easily adapted to suit the needs of individuals with varying abilities.

The resource emphasises the importance of happy, healthy and positive relationships. It looks at the life cycle of a relationship from finding a partner, coping with problems, staying safe and maintaining a relationship to dealing with the potential ending of a relationship.

This toolkit is the first in a two volume set, the second of which will focus on sex. Created by Alex Kelly and Emily Dennis as part of the bestselling Talkabout series, this publication constitutes the most complete and trustworthy set of resources available for groupwork focussing on relationships for people with special needs.


What is the ninth word in the first paragraph within "Topic 2 - Staying safe" after the heading "Introduction"?
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