1st Edition

Managing Stress in Education

A Comprehensive Guide for Staff and Students

Imprint: Speechmark
Paperback: 9781906517250
Hardback: 9781138041929
eBook: 9781315174167
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Managing Stress in Education - Book Cover


Format: 208 pages, A4 wiro bound, includes CD ROM and Audio CD (ISBN: 9781906517250). Order code: 0075841 Age: 4-18. Managing Stress in Education is a practical stress management programme for use in schools and colleges. A comprehensive resource that includes up-to-date theory and practice, Managing Stress in Education uses session plans and practical activities to help develop stress management skills in staff and students. The basic principles and techniques of stress management are straightforward, enabling the activities and sessions in this resource to be used across all Key Stages. This resource will: reduce the stress levels of students and staff; train staff to manage the effects of stress in the classroom; develop resilience in students; key information from stress literature; understand the triggers of stress; understand others under stress and the stress that comes with exams; teach students to choose what to think and learn muscle relaxation techniques; and embed stress management in schools curriculum.


What is the seventh word in the first paragraph in Session 12: Future Stressors
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