1st Edition

Controlling Anger

A Solution Focused Approach for Young People

Imprint: Speechmark
Paperback: 9781906517007
Hardback: 9781138051003
eBook: 9781315168531
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Many pupils experience difficulty in controlling their strong feelings and in managing conflict in both school and home settings. This programme aims to help young people: * avoid or manage situations of conflict * understand that they can create change * realise that it is possible to resolve difficulties and achieve a positive outcome. In this thoughtful approach to anger management, the authors suggest a teaching and learning model and use 'story' as the focus of pupil engagement. The book uses eight newspaper articles to help pupils to develop emotional literacy through subjects such as: * Road rage * racist incidents * Happy slapping * street fights. During the 10 session programme young people will: * understand anger in a variety of situations * learn about physiological and behavioural aspects of anger * rehearse coping strategies * plan positive responses to provocative situations. This book offers teachers and non-teaching staff a practical, exciting and well-designed resource with full facilitator notes and all handout materials printable from a CD-ROM.


What is the fourth word in Session 9: Street Fight: Aims of the session?
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