1st Edition

Write What You See

99 Photos to Inspire Writing (Grades 7-12)

Imprint: Prufrock
Paperback: 9781877673832
eBook: 9781003239635
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Write What You See - Book Cover


Motivate your students with the wide variety of photographs and writing prompts in this delightful book by award-winning photographer and former English teacher Hank Kellner.

The varied prompts include key words, questions to consider, ideas for writing, possible opening lines, suggestions for research, and more. The book even comes with a CD so that you have the option of displaying the activities with an overhead projector.

Write What You See contains a wealth of ideas for writing from the author as well as from real teachers across the country who have successfully used photography in the teaching of writing.

Grades 7-12


What is the second word in the Acknowledgments?
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