1st Edition

Cloacal Malformations: Case Studies

Imprint: CRC Press
Paperback: 9781032215471
Hardback: 9781032230535
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Within the field of pediatric colorectal and pelvic reconstruction the most complex anatomic problem a pediatric surgeon can face is that of a cloacal malformation, in which the urinary tract, gynecologic system, and distal bowel all fuse into a single common channel which must be surgically reconstructed. The care of such patients with a cloaca is daunting, and the spectrum of anatomic variations very wide. In this book about cloaca, the authors have brought organization to the complex, providing basic principles of care, from fetal and newborn management to the reconstruction of bowel, gynecologic systems, and urinary tracts as well as their care after surgery to puberty and beyond.

A comprehensive account of all elements of care for the cloaca patient, including pre-operative evaluation and surgical planning, the ARM Index, surgical reconstruction, urological evaluation and long-term care, gynecologic evaluation and intervention, neurological implications, bowel management and the long- term management of patients with cloacal malformations. Case studies provide valuable insights into a range of clinical scenarios, never previously categorized in this way, enabling the reader to understand and gain experience from detailed descriptions. Fully illustrated, in color, and with further resources available online, this is a unique resource for all clinicians within the pediatric team caring for patients with cloacal malformations.

Specialists across numerous fields including colorectal surgery, urology, gynecology, and GI motility, as well as neonatology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, anesthesia, radiology, psychology, social work, nutrition, and nursing, will find this practical clinical text and its online resources to be a invaluable when dealing with the complex needs of the cloaca patient.


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