1st Edition

The Reading Aloud Resource Book

A Practical Guide for Developing Speech and Language Using Picture Books

Imprint: Speechmark
Paperback: 9781032202723
Hardback: 9781032202679
eBook: 9781003262961
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The Reading Aloud Resource Book - Book Cover


This practical guide is the ideal tool for the busy practitioner or speech and language therapist to provide an effective, meaningful, and contextualised approach to language development using picture books.

Drawing from up-to-date, evidence-based research, each chapter shows you how to get the most out of picture books to support language development, with a focus on the range of opportunities that reading aloud can bring. The guide offers a complete package to promote speech, language, and early literacy, and to enrich language comprehension, vocabulary, phonological awareness, and oral language – all by using books to provide a context for meaningful language learning. The resource also includes advice on how to develop intervention goals and outcome measures for reading aloud, with practical suggestions covering topics from creating a reading routine and book nooks, to encouraging reluctant readers and reading aloud challenges.

Language skills are essential for academic, social and communication success and this reading aloud resource will be valuable reading for early year educators, primary teachers, and speech and language therapists working with young children aged 0-7.


What is the fifth word of chapter 2, Benefits of picture books?
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