1st Edition

The Blob Anger Book

Imprint: Speechmark
Series: Blobs
Paperback: 9780863889165
Hardback: 9781138041806
eBook: 9781315174235
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When was the last time someone 'made you' angry? It's amazing just how many times in a day a situation arises that can 'cause us' to boil over. Anger management is a way to become more conscious of how we react to a situation which triggers us to become angry. Identifying these trigger points is one way to break the pattern and preparing ourselves to change behaviour.

This book includes a wide range of scenarios and situations to enable identification of feelings and discussions about the most appropriate way to deal with them. As with every Blob tool the open approach provides an opportunity to discuss feelings and consider mechanisms for change. Subjects include:

  • Blob Bitter
  • Blob Blame
  • Blob Humiliated
  • Blob Frustration
  • Blob Fight.


What is the fourth word in the section titled What are the Blobs??
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