1st Edition

Language for Living

Communication Activities for Young Adults with Learning Difficulties

Imprint: Speechmark
Paperback: 9780863888250
Hardback: 9781138048140
eBook: 9781315169361
Language for Living - Book Cover
Coming soon


This title features communication activities for young adults with learning difficulties. This unique collection of 180 enjoyable group activities aims to foster both the skills underlying communication, such as body language and awareness of others, and aspects of spoken language itself. The activities fall broadly within the Entry Levels 1-3 of the Skills for Life Core Curriculum, but can be used as a completely independent programme. The book addresses the needs of students with very varied skill levels, and includes some activities which can be used with non-verbal students. "Language for Living" has the following advantages: no formal assessment necessary; equipment not required or kept to a minimum; activities can be freely adapted to suit students' lifestyles and experience; activities are simple to organise, and easy to fit in to the daily programme of college, day or residential settings; photocopiable resource section; and CD-ROM for optional record-keeping and printable resources.


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