1st Edition

Anger Management

A Practical Resource for Children with Learning, Social and Emotional Difficulties

Imprint: Speechmark
Paperback: 9780863888113
Hardback: 9781138050044
eBook: 9781315170787
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Many children with language and learning difficulties also experience difficulties with social, emotional and behavioural development. Emotional literacy packages often contain worksheets, stories and abstract language concepts. Children who have difficulties with literacy, attention or speech and language may find it difficult to access many aspects of these packages. This resource aims to deliver an appealing, practical and meaningful programme which all children (including those with learning difficulties) will find easy to access and enjoy. There are eight sessions which cover: Understanding anger; Understanding feelings; Self-esteem; Triggers and fuses; Learning to think differently; Physiology and relaxation; Strategies to manage anger; and, Review and reinforce. The accompanying CD provides colour images and practical worksheets from the resource session material that can easily be printed. This is a comprehensive, practical resource that facilitates the development of children's belief in their own ability to change and equips them with the skills to achieve change.


What is the third word in Chapter 3: Introduction to the eight-session model?
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