1st Edition

Living with an Acquired Brain Injury

The Practical Life Skills Workbook

Imprint: Speechmark
Paperback: 9780863888106
Hardback: 9781138048201
eBook: 9781315169330
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Living with an Acquired Brain Injury - Book Cover


"The Practical Life Skills Workbook" is designed for people who have recovered well enough from brain injury to prepare for a return to independent living. Using a very accessible and easy to read format which takes into account various learning styles resulting from brain injury, the sessions can be completed entirely at the pace that best suits the user. Exercises and tips described in the book cover: Budgeting; Reading and understanding bill terminology; Route orientation; Form filling; and, Planning a night's entertainment. Designed to be completed over a ten week period, this book will represent a milestone in the journey towards living independently for many people, providing careful guidance with everyday tasks and activities that initially appear daunting. It includes a CD of comprehensive, downloadable activities.


What is the fifth word in Chapter 4: Form filling?
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