1st Edition

A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American English

Word Sketches, Collocates and Thematic Lists

Imprint: Routledge
Paperback: 9780415490634
Hardback: 9780415490641
eBook: 9780203880883
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A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American English - Book Cover


A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American English is an invaluable tool for all learners of American English, providing a list of the 5,000 most frequently used words in the language.

The dictionary is based on data from a 385 million word corpus – evenly balanced between spoken English (unscripted conversation from radio and TV shows); fiction (books, short stories, movie scripts); more than 100 popular magazines; ten newspapers; and 100 academic journals – for a total of nearly 150,000 texts.

All entries in the rank frequency list also feature the top 20-30 collocates (nearby words) for that word, which provide valuable insight into the meaning and usage. Alphabetical and part-of speech indexes are provided for ease of use. The dictionary also contains 31 thematically organised and frequency-ranked lists of words on a variety of topics, such as family, sports, and food. New words in the language, differences between American and British English, and grammar topics like the most frequent phrasal verbs are also covered.

A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American English is an engaging and efficient resource enabling students of all levels to get the most out of their study of vocabulary. It is also a rich resource for language teaching , research, curriculum design, and materials development.

A CD version is available to purchase separately. Designed for use by corpus and computational linguists it provides the full text in a format that researchers can process and turn into suitable lists for their own research work.


What is the second word of the first line in the Introduction?
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